
Moms are there to provide a nurturing dynamic for their little boys – give them a bath, comb their hair, and put a band-aid on their boo-boos. But when these boys grow up without a dad in the home, the role often shifts, requiring her to stand strong as the winds blow during the transition to manhood. At this time, it is important for a mom to lean into the Lord, her convictions, and help from godly mentors.

Many have never walked this road before so grace upon grace is needed for both the mother and the son. Keep the lines of communication open, pray, and trust that God loves you and your son more than you do. He will be faithful.

Brandon, Isaac, Evan, and Micah Apon join together offering practical help on the following topics:

  • How should a young man be expected to spend his time?
  • The value of work
  • Raising your boys to be husbands and fathers
  • Exposing boys to biblical manhood 
  • The importance of guarding the home against unhealthy influences

Other resources:

Launching Boys to Men Part Two with Brandon, Isaac, Evan, and Micah Apon

The Importance of a Mentor with Brandon Apon and Eric Helms

The Value of a Mentor for Fatherless Sons with Evan Apon and Dave Inabnit

Accepting Fatherlessness by God’s Grace with Isaac Apon

Fatherless Newborns with Micah Apon

Mom, you are not alone! 

Join our private Facebook group for more encouragement and community: https://bit.ly/widowmom 
For more information and helpful resources, check our website: PerspectiveMinistries.org & follow us on Instagram @PerspectiveMinistries.
