We are excited that you have a passion and calling to care for the widow and fatherless in your church and community. You are embracing a ministry that is very dear to the heart of God. It is so important to the Lord that He promises to bless those who bless the widow (Deuteronomy 14:29).
Over the last 20 years, as I have walked the path of widowhood, I’ve seen that churches truly want to help the widow, but they just don’t know how. Widows have a variety of practical, emotional, and spiritual needs and without their husbands by their side, they often lose their familiar network of resources and their community of friends. Perspective Ministries is here to help your church start or enhance your ministry to widows, while encouraging the widow to put her trust in God (1 Timothy 5:5).
WidowLife seeks to bring beauty and balance into the relationship between the church and widow, encouraging and enhancing the perspectives of both. This allows each one to be all that God has called them to be through a two-fold mission:
Equip the church to understand how to practically care for the widow and the fatherless in ways that are meaningful and helpful to them. WidowLife strives to serve churches by helping them set up the necessary systems and processes that provide for the needs of the widow. WidowLife will provide necessary training and ministry assistance.
Care for the widow by providing meaningful guidance during her time of transition from wife to widow. The principle is to shift the widow’s focus to believe that God is her Defender and will fulfill His promise as a Father to the fatherless.
This is a guide used in the WidowLife Workshop to educate those who desire to care for and minister to the widow. The topics presented include an overview of the grief process, understanding the different types of widows, the best practices of care, and guidance on the steps to take with coaching along the way.
E-Book Coming Soon
WidowLife for churches equips churches to care for widows through a thriving widow’s ministry. If you would like more information about how to start a WidowLife ministry in your church please fill out the form below.
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WidowLife Wisdom blogs give insight into the widow’s life, providing practical tips on the best way to care for her throughout the year.
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