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Meet Our Team

Founder and Executive Director

Lori Apon

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows” became the anchor promise for our family in 1999 upon the tragic death of Bobby Apon, my husband and the father of our 8 children. Hundreds of people walked alongside our family, modeling how to care for the widow and fatherless. Because of their involvement in our lives and with the perspective of God as Defender and Father, over 20 years later we continue to testify that choosing God’s perspective makes a difference.

With an empty nest in sight, God called me to give the next season of my life to comfort as we had been comforted. In 2016 Perspective Ministries was started to meet the practical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the widow and her fatherless children. To this day we strive to connect the widow to resources and help, reminding her she has not been left alone, and to equip others to do the same.

Donor Management, Ministry Assistant

Sarah Inabnit

Sarah Inabnit has been on the team serving widows and the fatherless for over two years. Although not a widow herself, she has compassion for those in this unwanted season. She’s the behind-the-scenes backbone and prayer warrior of this ministry.

headshot of Sarah Inabnit
Headshot of Alex Kondratev
Campaign Communications

Alex Kondratev

I first joined Perspective Ministries through attending a WidowLife Support Group when I was widowed at the age of 23. The constant reminder that I was not alone and that God promised to guide and protect me gave my hurting soul the perfect perspective. As time passed and I continued to witness God’s faithfulness, I found myself wanting to share this life changing perspective with others in my situation, so I started serving in all kinds of ways with Lori and team! Meeting new widows where they are in their grief journey, reminding them that this is NOT the end of their story, and that God will be faithful to them is one of the greatest passions of my life!

Social Media Manager

Mandy Smith

Mandy Smith knew the Apons from a distance for most of her life and grew up observing the faithfulness of God to this family. She recently joined our team as the social media manager. She has a heart for young moms and loves serving in this capacity supporting our vision of reaching and connecting with more widow mamas!

Headshot of Mandy Smith

Board of Directors

Albert Jones  |  Brad Burcham  |  Kristin Prince  |  Sue Carpenter
