Hope Gathering is a community of widows finding hope and healing in Christ, encouraging one another in the journey, and seeking God’s purpose in our lives for this season. HOPE Groups are monthly gatherings of those new to loss and those still working through the journey of grief. During a gathering the group shares a meal, a program and a devotional. Groups ideally meet in homes to create a more relaxed atmosphere. Monthly programs vary between grief related topics, practical help on issues like finances, health, personal safety, etc. and some months are geared to something fun and creative.
We believe that healing comes through serving and look for opportunities to minister to others. Devotionals compliment the program for the evening and always point us back to the source of all hope, Jesus.
“During my first year of grief, Perspective Ministries, has been… a shoulder to cry on, an understanding friend, a light in the darkness, a wise counselor, a warm blanket, a place to feel known, a glimmer of hope, a new friend to laugh and cry with, a safe place to emote, a guide pointing back to our Father, Savior, and Holy Spirit, a truth-telling… and the hands and feet of Jesus to a broken heart.”
– Shanna –
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