Holiday. Defined as festive and joyous. A word pregnant with emotions and memories. For many, the anticipation of a holiday is as important as the day itself. However, for the widow, this season is not “the most wonderful time of the year”or joyous in many ways. It hurts really bad.
Here are some practical ideas to Light Her World during the holidays:
Listen – the gift of your presence with active listening is comforting.
Intercede – the gift of intentional, faithful prayer is life-changing.
Grace – the gift of extending compassionate grace to those who are suffering is healing.
Help – The gift of practical help that lightens her load is encouraging.
Trust – the gift of joining them in trusting God and His promises is powerful.
Acts of Service/ Opportunities for Blessing
- Clean their home or pay for housecleaning
- Help decorate (install outside Christmas lights for widow moms or set up the tree)
- Invite them to your Thanksgiving feast, well maybe not during the pandemic, or bring a meal.
- Assist with home repairs
- Change lightbulbs and batteries in smoke detectors
- Include them when you serve others
- Provide tickets to a Christmas activity
- Take their fatherless children shopping
- Babysit so mom can shop
- Assemble toys for Christmas
Gift Suggestions
- Gift cards for food and gas are always a blessing, while treating her to a manicure is always thoughtful.
- Winterize her home
- Provide warm clothes—coats, shoes, etc.
- Ask them to share a memory of their loved one as remembering is a gift in itself.
Don’t forget her in January either, as this can be one of the greatest seasons of loneliness after the holidays come to a close.
“And let us not grow weary in doing good.” -Galatians 6:9