Prayer for the Widowed Mom

Father God,

I lift the precious moms up to you who are carrying not only babies and children in their arms, but grief in their hearts—their own grief as well as the grief of their children. Her days are long and hard. She is exhausted physically and emotionally. Please bring friends and family to walk alongside of her in practical ways. You promise to assist those who have no help and bless those who bless the widow (Deuteronomy 14:29). Enlist prayer warriors to lift her needs to you. Thank you that you promise to hear her cry. You capture her tears in a bottle and record each one in a book (Psalm 56:8).

Show this precious mom how to build a support system of mentors and counselors and send these important people to her side. May they speak truth into her life. Use them to encourage her with a timely word. Thank you for the promise that you are a Father to the fatherless and Defender of the widow (Psalm 68:5). Let her feel your protection and give her faith to trust that you will be faithful to keep your promises.

Teach this mom your ways and let her feel your embrace. Give her strength to direct her children to you. She needs wisdom, discernment, and understanding. Please grant this to her in liberal amounts. Thank you for the promise in Isaiah 54:13 that declares “all your children will be taught of the Lord and great will be their peace.” Please bring peace to their home.

The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but you give life abundant. Thank you for using what is meant for evil for our good and your glory (Genesis 50:20). Glorify yourself through this precious family. Hold them close to you. Heal their broken hearts and bind up their wounds (Psalm 147:3). Remind them that you will bring fruit from the land of suffering (Genesis 41:52), and they will see the goodness of the Lord in their lives (Psalm 27:13).

Lord, you promise to plead the case of the widow and fatherless for “their redeemer is strong” Proverbs 23:10). “Thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter of mine head.” (Psalm 3:3-5). Allow this widowed mom to sleep giving rest in her soul. May she know that you are sustaining her. Comfort her so that she may one day comfort others as she has been comforted (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).

Thank you for interceding on her behalf. Thank you for hearing our prayers and answering our cries.

In Jesus name, Amen.
