Dear Lord,
Today, I lift up any moms raising teenagers without a dad. These years often bring challenges as children move toward independence. Please give these moms the wisdom they need to release their children into adulthood. Would you also provide guardrails during this time. Be with her as she entrusts them into your care, knowing You love them more than she can comprehend.
For the fatherless teenage sons, bring men to guide them during this critical season. When these boys test the boundaries, bring support, providing the necessary advocacy and affirmation both mom and son need.
For the teenage daughters, provide role models and couples who will model a godly life and give counsel when needed. It is so easy for them to look for love in all the wrong places. Remind them in tangible ways of Your love for them.
Single parenting is not easy, and the role of a single mom intensifies during the teenage years. Please give her your strength when she is weak. Bring the support that she needs. Thank you for the promise that you are a Father to the fatherless.
In Jesus’ name, amen.