12 Out of the Box Christmas Gifts to Help the Widow and Fatherless

“How can I help?” is a common question that stumps a widow or woman who has been left alone. And there are several reasons why she may not have an immediate response: 

  • She is overwhelmed with the amount of needs there are.  
  • She is not used to being on the receiving side of help. She doesn’t yet know that your gift is modeling for her what she will eventually be able to do to others, comfort as she was comforted.
  • She feels she has already experienced a lot of help and feels bad asking for more, even if she needs it.

12 Out of the Box Christmas Gifts to Help the Widow and Fatherless  

  1. Provide financial help for lessons for her child like piano, art, or an instrument. These gifts may be something she cannot afford. 
  2. Set her children up for success by paying for tutoring. Although it is common for many children to struggle in school, providing this needed boost is often not in the tight single mom budget.
  3. Offer assistance for kids’ extra-curricular activities. Involvement in a sport is taxing in every way for the solo parent; however, this is often just what the family needs. Many times God will “father” the fatherless by connecting a coach or teacher to step in as a mentor. Offer to take her children to practice, cheer her kids on at the games, or pay for the added expense. 
  4. Gift some time away. This gift can be as simple as one night at an Airbnb to several days together in a quiet cabin. 
  5. Gift cards are always a welcomed blessing! Food and gas are ongoing expenses, and  Amazon or other specialty cards will be enjoyed. 
  6. Surprise them with opportunities to make new memories. Tickets to a play, the zoo, or the aquarium will offer a change of scenery for the family. You can even offer to join her if she doesn’t want to take the kids alone.
  7. Offer practical support. Rake her leaves, invite her to join you for lunch, tell her you will send a handyman to knock out her to-do list or give two men and two hours of time to help her accomplish top priorities.
  8. Give the gift loungewear or new bedding. This is a quiet way to acknowledge that she may be in a lonely season and grieving intimacy. 
  9. Offer her an opportunity to take new family photos. Even though taking pictures without their loved one is difficult, photos will serve as a benchmark of God’s faithfulness as they look back over the years.
  10. Write a note of encouragement or share a memory of her husband/the children’s daddy.
  11. Call to let her know that you are thinking of her.
  12. Pray! 

Get creative! There are many ways to offer support for the widow and her fatherless kids. Even though it is awkward to receive help, she needs it! 
