Photo collage of widows and kids
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Perspective Ministries

It is our mission to help meet practical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the widow and fatherless through biblical guidance and tangible touches of care.
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There are over 12.8 million
widowed women in the US

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75% of the average widow’s support base will disappear by the end of the first year

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43% of children in the US live without a father in the home.

a desire to encourage

The Ministry

Studying and teaching God’s Word is one of Lori’s greatest joys. She has taught women’s Sunday School (including widows) for over 20 years. As Lori’s nest emptied, the passion for widow ministry continued to grow to the point that it became evident it was time to step out in faith pursuing the call of God to spend this next season of her life caring for the widow and fatherless in the way the Lord has cared for her. With twenty-four years of experience living the “widow life,” Lori is able to comfort where she has been comforted as well as assist others in compassionately caring for the widow in meaningful ways.  

Lori’s desire is to encourage others to direct their focus to God as Husband and Father, knowing that often this takes T.I.M.E. = Trusting In the Mystery of Eternity. 

Through suffering, she has been given a platform to share how God wants to work powerfully in difficult situations.  Her positive outlook comes from God and is contagious as the Holy Spirit works through her to encourage and challenge many women. She invites all to accept the difficult events in their lives as God working — for their good and His glory.

a passion to support

Mission Statement

“A Father to the fatherless, a defender of the widows, is God in His holy dwelling,” became an anchor for the Apon family upon the tragic death of Bobby Apon, Lori’s husband and father of their 8 children. God’s promise in Psalm 68:5 shaped their perspective in the midst of tragedy. His faithfulness was on full display as their community and church ministered with overwhelming compassion and love!

20 years later, Lori Apon, founder and Executive Director of Perspective Ministries, passionately shares her experience as a widow with others, leading them to discover that God delights in fulfilling all His promises to those who no longer have a husband or father.

Meeting the practical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the widow and fatherless encouraging them to put their trust in God.

an opportunity to help

Partner With Us

Every dollar you give helps us meet the practical, emotional, and spiritual needs of widows and their fatherless children. Would you join us as we direct their focus to the One who is able to satisfy their deepest needs?
