Caring for the Fatherless this Summer

When God tells us to visit the widow and fatherless, He asks that we do more than knock on the door to check off a box. When a child is without an earthly dad, they are left in the presence of God. The way in which God “fathers” is often through others.

8 Practical ways to make a difference for the fatherless this summer:

  1. Include them in your summer fun. Plan a day at the park or trip to the beach. Inviting fatherless children on a family vacation offers a break from the routine and a glimpse into life with two parents.
  2. Provide for their family vacation. While time away is a necessity, it is often an unaffordable luxury in the budget of a single mom. Several families could join to provide this memorable experience for a single mom and her children.
  3. Send them to camp. Many testify to the life-changing benefits of camp. Even though social distancing has changed the camp dynamic this year, many camps are in session (Check out our fatherless resource page for camps for the fatherless!).
  4. Help them get ahead. Pay for summer school or personal tutoring to boost the confidence of a struggling student.
  5. Be intentional about engaging with them. Don’t let this one intimidate you. It’s as easy as this: inviting a fatherless boy if you take your son fishing. When you pamper your daughter, consider including her fatherless friend.
  6. Teach them a skill. How to cut the grass or change a tire.
  7. Help establish a network of support. Find men who will take time to mentor, a Sunday School class who will sponsor their extra-curricular activities or prayer warriors.
  8. Tell them your story of God’s faithfulness.

Visiting the fatherless means to come alongside, care about, and care for them. Your care of the fatherless puts the Gospel on display to the world. And rest assured, the difference will not only impact the child, but also your life as well.
