Practical Ways to Help in November

A time for Thanks . . . giving!

There is always something to be thankful for has become a popular challenge to reflect upon daily, weekly, and even in the midst of sorrow and pain.  God is good even when our perception of “good” differs.  Spend time this month giving thanks.

“I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders.” Psalm 9:1

Acts of Service / opportunities to bless a widow and Light Her World:

  • Clean her home or pay for housecleaning.
  • Change lightbulbs and batteries in smoke detectors.
  • Help decorate for Christmas (set up the tree or install outside lights)
  • Thanksgiving feast:  include them or bring a meal.
  • Set up a time to help a single/widowed mom Christmas shop, run errands or babysit so she can prepare for the holidays.

Give so they can give:  20/20 Challenge

Being on the receiving end year after year, our family adopted the 20/20 challenge:  On Thanksgiving Day, each child received $20 with the challenge to spend it blessing someone within the next twenty days.  This gift of $20 was an easy way to encourage my children to pray about who they could bless, purpose to give in a way that would meet a need or desire, and then prepare to share the experience with the family at Christmas.  It was my joy to sit back and watch my children walk out this challenge.  My youngest had been working with the homeless on a weekly basis.  Immediately, he knew the recipient of his gift would be his homeless friend.  Thoughtfully, my son selected and carefully wrapped the gift of a Falcon’s themed hat and gloves for this man who loved the team. After joyfully delivering these warm items Micah experienced the warmth of a greater blessing that comes through giving. My daughter, Amy, also learned there is a reward money can’t buy when you give to someone who cannot give back.

It truly is more blessed to give than receive.
