
Christmas is the time we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. He became Immanuel, God with us. Jesus came to die for our sins—He was born to die. This episode will discuss two questions: Why did Jesus come to die, and why did He need to die?

This episode answers those questions by discussing the following:

  • The Eternal Nature of Jesus: Jesus existed before Christmas. 
  • The Purpose of Christmas:  The mission of Jesus went beyond birth; He came to save us from our sins by dying for us. 
  • Why did Jesus need to die? Romans 3:23 tells us all have sinned, and Romans 6:23 says the consequence is death. We needed a Savior. Jesus, sinless and perfect, offered Himself to cleanse us of our sins.

Verses to Reflect On:

Other resources:Hope Gathering: Helping widows find help and healing in Christ-centered communities
