In this enlightening session from our recent Mom and Man event, Daniel Clubb from Advance Camp delivers a powerful message about the spiritual influence of mothers. He reflects on the character of Timothy, a young man shaped by the faith and love of his mother and grandmother, as highlighted in Paul’s letters to Timothy in the Bible.
Key Takeaways:
- Five ways moms can influence their sons
- Instill a tender heart and lead by example
- Pass on faith and pray regularly
- Build self-confidence
- Teach selfless love
- Offer strength of discipline and stay consistent
Upcoming Events:
- Christmas Hope Event: Don’t miss out! This event for single and widow moms and their children includes brunch, music, and ice skating. Check the show notes for ticket details.
- Next Week’s Episode: Join us for a discussion with Pastor Josh Weidmann on anxiety—an important topic that promises rich insights.
Other resources:
The Physical Changes of a boy to a man Podcast Episode 133 with Chris and Diane TuttleUnderstanding emotional changes in fatherless young men Podcast Episode 134 with Evan Apon.