
Raising fatherless children is often an unexpected task for moms. Single parenting comes with challenges as well as celebrations. In this journey, we find solace in the fact that God is faithful to His promise to Father the fatherless.

In this episode, Lori continues reflecting on this season with a focus on the teenage years. She talks about how to build an important family foundation, blessing trips, the shaping of the story of suffering in our lives, and providential provision.

Other Resources:

The Value of a Mentor for Fatherless Sons Episode 49 with Evan Apon and Dave Inabnit

The Impact of a Mentor Episode 50 with Zach Garza

The Investment of a Mentor Episode 52 with Brandon Apon and Eric Helms

How to Plan a Blessing Party for Your Child Episode 54 with Lori Apon

Parenting Grieving Teens Episode 104 with Lori Apon 

Mom, you are not alone! 

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For more information and helpful resources, check our website: PerspectiveMinistries.org & follow us on Instagram @PerspectiveMinistries.
