WidowLife is to meet the practical needs of the widow. This may include something as simple as changing lightbulbs in a high ceiling to taking care of much greater needs. Soon we will start sending out WidowLife opportunities to “Light Their World” ~ meeting practical needs for the widow and fatherless with the desire to give them hope. More on these opportunities to come.

Ministry to the widow quickly evolves into fatherless ministry when young widows are involved. Perspective Ministries has opportunity to disciple young widows each month helping them during their time of transition from wife to widow. For these young ladies, transitioning is not easy and can feel overwhelming with children in the home. Not only is this young widow walking through her own valley of the shadow of death, but she is also shepherding the hearts of her children who are in this dark season as well. Pictured below is a collage of just some these precious ladies with their children.
God is at work through Perspective Ministries. One of the main goals for Perspective Ministries through the program of
How do you minister to the fatherless? The best way is through building relationships. Perspective Ministries seeks to do just that in order to let these young children know that they are not alone. Older boys who have been “Fathered by God,” can share understanding of the grief and pain while helping to direct their focus from their earthly dad to God as Father. Your gifts allow us to reach out to these fatherless children. We believe that directing the focus to God and His promises to the fatherless will make a difference. In fact, these are two of the pillars of grace that God used in our lives: perspective and mentoring.

35 widows in their first year of grief received blankets from Perspective Ministries during the Valentine season. This mission has been a blessing in many ways. One widow wrote out a list of her practical needs the morning we stopped by to deliver her blanket. On that list, “blanket” was one of the items she planned to purchase later that week. When the blanket was brought to the next day her list was made, tears came not only for this precious widow, but for her family who realized through this gift that God was there to provide for all of her needs, and He will often go before us!

The gift of the blanket made such an impact a poem was written to express appreciation:She went to the door when the doorbell rang. As he would normally do…it still felt strange.
Small children shout, “Happy Valentine’s Day” handing her a blanket folded in a beautiful way.
Being 88 and a widow for less than a year, she didn’t understand what just happened here?
She kept asking, “What is this. Why me?” And their reply was, “Read the letter and you’ll see.”
So, she shut the door, but instead went to her room, picked up her list and whispered, “so soon!”
At the top of her list where she had written the night before:
1. I need a new blanket ~ instantly she saw her Lord.
Philippians 4:19, “And my God shall supply all your needs…”
God is so good. Thank you for ministering to my Mother-in-Love on Valentine’s Day.
Other widows express gratitude:
“The large fluffy blanket is filled with love from you and the Lord. Thank you for blessing me so! I was shocked to say the least. The two letters enclosed just were so dear and so inspirational. My husband wrote a song from Psalm 91—you must hear it some time. Thank you for your lovely caring and loving heart.”
“What a thoughtful and meaningful Valentine gift! The two women who wrote the enclosed letters (Elisabeth Elliot and Lori Apon) surely have walked the path of a widow. I seem to encounter different memories and moments of grief when you have been married for almost 62 years. I guess that is to be expected. Oftentimes it is just the little things Bill said or did that brings the tears, but my greatest joy comes when I think that he is now with Jesus! I pray each day that God will give me the strength and courage to get me through the day, and He is always faithful. He is truly my Rock and my Redeemer. I will surely enjoy the beautiful blanket. It will give me comfort when the nights are long. My heartfelt thankfulness for such a beautiful and thoughtful gift.”
Young children have joined the effort experiencing the joy of volunteering. In fact, one sweet child donated a penny and time towards this venture. This act of generosity impacted her sister who gave her all, as well, to bless the widow. Perspectives are being changed all around.

On a personal family note, my oldest daughter, Abi, just gave birth to her fourth son, Paxton Joel. I am thrilled to have another grandson to love! Paxton is my 7th grandson with my 8th grand-boy due to arrive next week. God has been so very good to us.